
10 things to see and do in Zanzibar

Zanzíbar es una región semi autónoma perteneciente a Tanzania. Comprende una serie de islas alejadas de la costa oriental del continente africano. Se trata de un sitio que ha estado habitado durante por lo menos 20.000 años. Su historia escrita empieza cuando el archipiélago pasó a convertirse en un sitio de paso para todos los comerciantes que viajaban entre la India, África y Arabia. No solo por eso te maravillarán sus playas, si no que también hay cosas para ver en Zanzíbar muy peculiares, como nadar con delfines.

A good part of Zanzibar is surrounded by beautiful coral reefs. This leads to many dive centers in the area and dive sites in the waters. The most famous is in Mnemba. It is an atoll of 28 square kilometers and stands out for its clear waters and the possibility of finding hundreds of typical reef species, turtles and dolphins.

Zanzíbar ofrece paisajes muy diversos y amplias oportunidades para los amantes de todo tipo de turismo. Por eso, a continuación, veremos cuáles son las cosas imprescindibles que ver en Tanzania para no perderte de nada y tener una experiencia completa.

1. Make a Blue Safari

Fumba Beach - Que ver en Zanzibar

Not all the beaches of Zanzibar are located in Unguja. To visit others, it is necessary to take certain transports. Some of these beaches do not have accommodations, so the way to visit them is by taking day trips.

The trip can be carried out in traditional sailing boats called "dhows". These are full-day excursions that stop at several truly paradisiacal islands west of Unguja. In general, the first stop is a virgin island. The next ones are usually sandbanks at low tide that turn into beaches. At these sites it is possible to enjoy various drinks and food typical of the region.

On this excursion it is possible to stop for snorkeling, which is a favorite activity. Through this activity, it is possible to see large turtles and sea turtles. It is also possible to visit a transparent and emerald colored natural lagoon.

2. Swimming with dolphins

Nadar con Delfines es una de las mejores cosas que hacer en Zanzíbar
Nadar con Delfines es una de las mejores cosas que ver en Zanzíbar

Getting close to marine wildlife, seeing it up close and sharing with it is the dream of many travelers around the world. In Zanzibar you can make it come true, especially with dolphins. Swimming with dolphins is a favorite activity on Zanzibar's beaches and can usually be done in the wild.

Those with a bit of luck may get to see families of whales along their journey on the boats that enter Zanzibar's waters. Travelers, with proper equipment, are invited to swim freely and do underwater dances with the local dolphins.

3. Visiting the best beaches of Zanzibar

Located in Africa, it is one of the most recognized natural paradises in the world. It is considered to have the best beaches in the world. It stands out for its crystal-clear waters, its white and soft sands and its endless options for walking and entertainment, from walks through its beautiful landscapes to swimming with dolphins.

· Kendua

As we said before, Zanzibar stands out for the beauty of its beaches, famous in the world. Among its beaches, Kendua is considered one of the best. It is a very quiet and wide beach with crystal clear waters. It is ideal for swimming and spending time outdoors enjoying beautiful landscapes.

Kendua beach is located in the northwest area. Therefore, it is one of the best places to sit and enjoy the sunset. It is a beach where you can find wonderful hotels with panoramic views and excellent services.

· Bwejuu

Many people coming to Zanzibar choose this beach as a base for their trip. It is a very quiet coastal area, which is not usually well known by tourists. For travelers who love to mingle with local people and get a closer look at the culture and customs of a place, this beach is one of the best places to do so. There it is possible to find locals strolling or fishing and young people playing on the beach.

It is a very beautiful beach characterized by a high and low tide. When there is low tide, bathing is usually more complicated, since it is necessary to go much deeper into the water. However, for lovers of the local, the authentic and tranquility, it is an excellent alternative.

· Nungwi, one of the best beaches in Zanzibar

Contrary to the beach mentioned above, Nungwi is the tourist area par excellence in Zanzibar. It is located in the north of the island. It is a very wide beach with low tide most of the time. It is an excellent place both for walking and for all kinds of activities. A perfect place for tourism and entertainment, as well as to disconnect and relax in a beautiful natural environment.

· Jambiani

This beach is the natural continuation of Bwenjuu beach. It is a very long beach that unites the area of Paje with that of Jambiani. It is an excellent alternative for travelers looking for quiet places where there is not much tourism throughout the year.

This beach is very wide and stands out for its fine golden sands. Besides, it is located in the middle of the island. Therefore, it is easy to move from one place to another if you are staying near this beach, so you can enjoy all kinds of activities and excursions.

· Pongwe

Pongwe is also in the east of Zanzibar. However, it is located further north than those mentioned above. It is a site that functions as an intermediate point, as a balance between a tourist area and a quiet area. Its waters are usually calm when the weather is suitable and its sands are fine and white.

4. Visit Stone Town

Stone Town - Que ver en Zanzibar
Views of Stone Town

Stone Town is the old part of the capital of Zanzibar. It has been declared a World Heritage Site. It is the site that shows that Zanzibar is not only beautiful and paradisiacal beaches, but also a place with an interesting history, which has been influenced by Portuguese, British, Persians and Arabs. Traveling through this area it is possible to encounter much of the heritage and history of this fascinating region.

One of the best sunsets that can be enjoyed in Zanzibar is seen from the port of Stone Town. This is very visited by young people, couples and families at sunset time, since the beauty of its sunset is something that more and more people know and recommend to others. It has become a tourist activity of excellence for those who wish to observe the different colors that the sky can take during the day in a paradise like this.

5. Eating at The Rock

The Rock Restaurant

Paradise also has options to enjoy throughout the night. The Rock is a famous restaurant in Zanzibar, which is considered nothing less than one of the most special in the world. It is located on an islet that can be reached by boat. It is a way to eat while enjoying the scenery found by sitting right in the middle of the Indian Ocean. It is generally recommended to arrive with a reservation, especially during the high season.

6. Visit the Jozani Forest

Jozani Forest

This forest can be visited on your own and also with a guided tour. These visits usually last from two to three hours, being one of the favorite activities to enjoy in Zanzibar. For native nature lovers, it is one of the places where you can get up close to the red colobus monkeys that are currently declared an endangered species.

7. Take the spice tour

Typical spices of Tanzania

Zanzibar is considered the island of spices. For those who love good food and know the native flavors of a place, taking the spice tour is an excellent opportunity that should not be missed. In addition, the people who lead this tour explain and teach the characteristics of many of the spices that are processed in this site, to learn more about it, understand how they work and what flavors and aromas they bring to different dishes and foods.

8. Crossing to Pemba Island

Isla de Pemba - Que ver en Zanzibar
Pemba Island

Como hemos dicho anteriormente, Zanzíbar se compone de varias islas. Una de ellas es la famosa isla de Pemba. Es la segunda isla en lo que respecta a su tamaño, siendo un sitio verdaderamente paradisíaco para descansar, para permitirse perderse en la naturaleza y explorar sus paisajes y sus características naturales. Se mantiene prácticamente en su estado natural y su ecosistema no ha sido afectado. Es un sitio que debes ver en Zanzíbar, pese a ser maravilloso suele tener poco turismo, por lo que es ideal para descansar y disfrutar de bellos paisajes en su estado salvaje.

9. Visit the old slave market

Mercado de Esclavos - Que ver en Zanzibar
The historic and cruel Slave Market

In Zanzibar it is possible to visit the remains of what was the old slave market. It is an industrial pingue of which Zanzibar was the world capital for centuries. Thousands and thousands of black people who were forcibly taken from the African continent to be exploited as slaves passed through this site.

It was here that they were sold to slave traders, who took them to the American plantations to work in subhuman conditions. Although it is considered a shameful stage in the history of mankind, it is also considered an indispensable site to be visited and to become aware of the cruelty of racism in the world.

10. Visiting Jozani Cwaka Bay National Park

Colobus monkey in the Jozani Forest

Finally, we are talking in this case about a very small patch of the tropical forest that once covered the archipelago. It is located half an hour from Stone Town, south of the island. It is crisscrossed by different trails that can be accessed with a guide. The main attraction of this site is to see the colobus monkeys up close. The walk usually lasts a couple of hours. It is especially sought after by travelers who want to experience other things about Zanzibar besides its beautiful beaches.


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